Bl4ckWhit3Ph0t0gr4phyNovember2O15, Fotografia

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//-->COOL, CREATIVE AND CONTEMPORARY24 September 2015 –28 March 2016Free entryVirgin Media Studio at Media SpaceFounding SponsorJulaMargaJuliaMargaret Cameron,uaameron,rooIIago,Studyfrom anItali, 1867.,Sdyfanalian1867677© National Media MuseumBradfordNationaMediationaedseum,Badfordem,rdEDITOR’S LETTER© Anthony RobertsOElizabeth Roberts, Editorelizabethr@thegmcgroup.comne of the nicest things aboutthe job I do is that I get tosee pretty nearly all the newphotography publications asthey come out. Many are byestablished photographers ofrenown, but some are by emerging artists. Mostare produced by mainstream publishers but,increasingly, small publishers are bringing outinteresting and beautiful books.When a new book appears on my desk I amalways curious to see what sort of impact it willhave – will it entice me to enter its world or willit lose my interest as I flick through its pages?It begins, of course with the work itself – itsstrength and coherence, its ability to hold theattention and imagination. But beyond that isthe way in which the work is presented, the textthat accompanies it, the cover, the end papers,the binding. They all add up to its personality.But part of the pleasure I think we get fromphotography books is the way in which weengage with them, which is entirely differentfrom the way we engage with images on screen.Perhaps it’s because the images have a readymade context i.e. – the book itself – that givesthem further meaning. Or perhaps it’s the factthat we tend to spend more time with a book;we flip back and forth, dive into specific parts,compare, touch, feel, smell. A book has analmost living presence; it has weight and colour,texture and form. A kind of life of its own.There was a time when they said books weredead, but it appears they were wrong. Thephotobook particularly is alive and well andgaining momentum. Long may it us on Twitter @BWPMag© Monika S. JakubowskaPINBOARD© Tony RichardsB+W01URBAN DOGIt was the dog’s forlorn expression in this image that struck a chordwith us canine lovers in the B+W office. Monika took this image inKensington, London, while the dog was waiting for its owner to© Mathijs van OosterhoudtA PHOTOGRAPH WE LOVEPerhaps it’s the empty chair, beautiful natural light, intriguing top hatleft on the floor or the wet plate collodion process used to create thisimage that made us instantly love Tony Richard’s picture.See more from Tony’s stunning portfolio here: FOCAL CAMERADutch artist Mathijs van Oosterhoudt launched the Focal Cameraproject to show that building complex cameras can be done in a simpleway. All his module designs and instructions are available to downloadfor free on his website. Anyone interested can try their hand at creatingpinhole, medium format and trichrome cameras.focalcamera.comQuote of the monthThis month we found inspiration from American B&Wphotographer Paul Caponigro, who once said:‘It’s one thing to make a picture of what a person looks like,it’s another thing to make a portrait of who they are.’© Jens Juul© Michael JacksonISSUE 182NOVEMBER20150824© Alexis Maryon36© Graciela Iturbide50COVERIMAGEThis month's coveris by Gillian LloydSee also page 4©Gillian Lloyd/© Sarah Howard80GET IN TOUCH02B+WTel01273 Robertselizabethr@thegmcgroup.comDEPUTY EDITORMark Bentleymarkbe@thegmcgroup.comASSISTANT EDITORAnna Bonita Evansanna.evans@thegmcgroup.comFEATURESNEWSKey stories in the black& white worldCOMMENTFOR FULLDETAILS OFHOW TO GETPUBLISHED INBLACK+WHITEPHOTOGRAPHYTURN TOPAGE 54.NEXT MONTH’SISSUE IS OUT ON29 OCTOBER08243680STRANGERSIN THE NIGHT4NEWSROOM225078AMERICANCONNECTIONAward-winning picturesby Jens JuulREINVENTINGTHE WORLD7ON THE SHELFSusan Burnstine meetsa photographer fascinatedby RussiaOur pick of the bestphotography booksA MODERN EYEAll is not what it seems in thepictures of Michael JacksonA NEWHAVENNARRATIVE18IN THE FRAME20The must-see showPhoto exhibitions aroundthe countryShoair Mavlian onthe remarkable work ofGraciela IturbideAlexis Maryon captures thespirit of a seaside townEXHIBITIONOF THE MONTHA FORTNIGHTAT F/860-SECONDSForget the equipment anddevelop your eye, saysTim ClinchSarah Howard discussesher passion for trees and sky© Tim Daly© Eddie Ephraums© Lee Frost664260© Thinkstock/Thomas Shanahan© Lee Forrest© Michael Finlay46829603B+WTECHNIQUEINSPIRATIONTESTS ANDPRODUCTSYOURBLACK+WHITE606672IT’S IN THE DETAILLee Frost shows howto set your pictures apartfrom the crowd424656B+W PRINTINGWORKSHOP7074NIKON D7200Eddie Ephraums on how tocreate fabulous printsNikon’s promising DSLRput to the B+W test3082PORTFOLIOYour pictures couldwin a prizeCHECKOUTSMARTSHOTSPHOTO PROJECTSSECOND SIGHTCapture theeccentricities of life with Tim DalySeven exercises to openyour eyes and your mindSix of the best onlinephotography galleriesSend us your bestsmartphone shotsSMART GUIDETO PHOTOGRAPHYALL ABOUTPRINTING84BLACK+WHITELOVESCool kit for your shopping listTim Clinch on smartphonephotographyThe link between framingand composition86NEXT MONTHSUBS OFFER89Have B+Wdelivered to your doorAnd for our next trick. . .96LAST FRAMEA single image to close [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
