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Blindsided - Planet X and Earthchanges - Where Will You Be by Mark Hazlewood, ZOBACZ TU! Różne
by Mark Hazlewood May 2001from WebsiteTable Of Contents!! Intuitive MessagesDestruction Evidence of Abrupt Regular Earth Changes FromThe Approximate 3600 Year Orbit of Planet X IntroductionWarning, stop right here! Read no further if you don’t want to understand how, why and when the earth’ssurface is going to change so abruptly as to take out 90% of all life. You’ll find why these changes happenregularly, who knows it, and how the information is being given out. Plus you’ll grasp why this may be yourfirst exposure to this knowledge or at least the first untainted divulging.There’s absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. Our sun’s 10th Planet disrupts the surface of every otherplanet in our solar system as it passes on its regular orbit. Only a few hundred million people will survive.Now ask yourself this question. Do you want to be one of them? Do you have a sincere desire to pick upthe pieces and help build a new one? This world’s culture has unhealthy and healthy of all ages. Are youhealthy and mature enough mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually to give it a go? If not, forget youever read this. The details and sources will be worthless to you in the short life you have left. Just keep living from day today like there’s no tomorrow. If you’ve any unhealthy personal habits like drug use, lack of exercise or overeating, don’t worry about changing them. Most won’t live any longer doing so. So enjoy what ever smallpleasures guilt free from this point on. What ever you’ve been putting off, do it now. You may never getanother chance. If you don’t like doing something, stop it. There’s no point anymore.Now for the rest of you who want a tomorrow, to be informed, forewarned and attempt to place a reservationfor yourself and loved ones in the aftertimes, this could be the hardest hitting book you’ll ever read. Thecontrollers of the media, money markets and the world’s government leaders are fully aware and prepared.They are not going to announce the impending calamities, although Russia’s leaders did pretty much letthe story slip out at least once which I’ll detail a little later on here. For the most part they’re only allowingthis information out through grass root sources. So escape with me here into the grass and watch out for the roots. Keeping this story out of the majormedia will delay collapse of the world’s economy, stock markets and real estate prices until the very lastdays costing billions of lives. From this point on don’t expect the price of energy to come down at all. Thesefat corporate energy cats who control the prices are fully aware that this is their last hurrah to stick it toyou.I am not the origin for the information that follows. I have simply gathered together several sources for yourperusal. I did not discriminate from where I obtained the information. Part of my motivation is to get youdirectly involved in looking inward to your own gut feelings and doing your own research. Many alreadysense something is wrong big time with Earth but can’t put their finger on it. Be careful how you view thismaterial. Some have a tendency to ignore all the sources in a body of information that causes greatconsternation if they determine just one or more are not acceptable. This kind of thinking is illogical. I amas serious as a heart attack with this work of warning.A myriad of sources from science, government, history, politics and spirit are combined here. You will doyourself and loved ones a great disservice if your mind set is to discount all you consider credible whenpresented side by side with sources your cultural experience and educational programming have notdeemed worthy of consideration. Before the time of the greatest events, the overwhelming vast majority willsee, hear and experience enough to know that our earth is about to change dramatically again. By the timeyour awareness peaks into realization, it may be too late to prepare.Questions will come to mind when the acceptance of what is about to happen does sets in. Will I have timeto make it to a safe area? Am I there already? Will I have resources enough to sustain myself over anextended period of time? Do I care to leave all which I hold dear to start anew? Am I just too married to orfearful of leaving my things, lifestyle and community, even at the expense of my life, if I can’t take them withme?? Watch your thinking carefully as you read. Your mind may make up unsound reasons for ignoring theobvious to avoid the discomfort of having to prepare.It is an honor to be a vehicle or messenger of this information. I’m one of the many that have chosen or havebeen chosen or some combination there of, to do this work. It all depends on what your philosophical frameof reference might be. I’m sure I’ll meet some people in the aftertimes that acknowledge me for warning andhelping them survive one of the most severe physical calamities earth has gone through. On the other hand, others may wish they never learned or prepared because of the difficulties presentedthen, compared to their lifestyle before. At that time I would simply say that YOU were primarily responsiblefor drawing the information toward yourself and determined your level of personal preparation. I’m not fishingnow for your future thanks, but am trying to avoid you berating the messenger. Just learning now and notbeing able to prepare because of family ties or financial binds could end up causing needless worry prior toyou passing on. So, be careful before you jump in too deep here. It’s not always better to know.My belief system tells me that there is a reason for everything. Science is finding greater evidence for orderin chaos at every turn. For those who would label me a messenger of doom please do yourself and me afavor, DON’T READ THIS BOOK. My focus is to find people who want this information, or who have beendrawn to it by whatever means to make their right choice.Staying alive might be a good one. The fact that you’re reading this perhaps means that your gut instinct is telling you something is not quiteright with the world, and the reasons you’ve run across thus far have been less than adequate. There’s nodoom in being made aware that you live on the railroad tracks, the train is approaching and what time it willarrive so you can pull up your roots to get the hell out of the way. It’s ignorance that will put you in harmsway during the up and coming cataclysms. There are many safe places. I’m now going to paint a word portrait using some of my words and mostlythose of others. In order to view the mosaic look at it in its entirety. Focusing too closely on one part oranother might result in you missing the big picture. This work could have been 10,000 pages or more. Thereis much more than that volume of material confirming all that is presented here. Studying the data and themyriad of different sources becomes very repetitious. I strongly urge you to do your own research if youneed more information. Much more related truth is out there. Since I’ve outlined where to look and what to look for, it will be easy to obtain more sources for this subjectmatter. If you’re like me once you’ve seen enough of it, you’ll quit looking for more, even though you’vecome to the understanding so much more exists. You’ll then make your plans and go back to living yourdaily life. On the back burner of your mind you’ll know there’s some wild times and big changes just aroundthe corner. Plus, you’ll know more than likely that you’ll survive them because of your ace in the hole of being informed. Observatory Sightings of Planet X In Early 2001!In 1983 X was first spotted by the IRAS, since then there has been a complete black out of it’s existenceby the controllers of the media and major observatories. X is now too close to cover up from smallerscopes. For the first time in modern history, in the year 2001, sightings of Planet X are being openlyrecorded. Three separate sightings from separate parts of the world have reported it. The three observatorieswere located in South America, Switzerland and Arizona. I include two of the sightings and show you whereto find the third and future ones later. Here is a short report from the Lowell Observatory in Arizona.April 04 2001 03:06:45 : Wed.The operator described the object as diffuse and of approximate magnitude 11. Thecoordinates (in degree/minute/second format), with a margin of error according to the operatorof +/ 20 seconds (about .006 degrees) RA and +/ 10 seconds (about .003 degrees) Dec. were: RA 05 09 09Dec +16 31 49In degree format the coordinates are: RA 5.1525Dec +16.5303Next is a excited confirmed report and then denial from Switzerland.Subject: 12th planet discovery.Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 23:30:32 +0100A whole team was contacting all and every observatories in France just sent a message.The Neuchatel observatory got it. They are very excited, wondering if it is a comet or a browndwarf, through the latest coordinates given. The daughter of the astronomer reports that theysuspect a comet or a brown dwarf on the process to become a pulsar since it emits “waves”.For those who would read French I copy the message below, Salut!Bon les jeunes y’a du nouveau. j’ai voye les donnees concernant la 12e planete a une amie,et voici ce qu’elle me repond: Observatoire de châtel (celui du paternel) toute premièreréponses: oui, ce pourrait être une comète. Elle est sur un des bras d’Orion(?) et vont semettre à mieux regarder pour valider ou non “la naine une”...car je ne sais pas si tu sais, maisce stade est juste avant celui du pulsar et donc émet des ondes... CQFD... je me demandece que la Terre en reçoit ou en recevra mais... Mystère et boules de gommes... Attendonsles autres labo... mais celuici en particulier je lui fait confiance car il ne jouerait pas la cartedu complot avec mon père... ça franchement non... (autant dire que le dit Père est toutexité!!!)We were told by these excited folks who first sighted it, that we would get “at least” an image, then therewas a long silence for over a week, then the official denial that such as sighting ever occurred at Neuchatal.So, they’ve got an image.How does that grab you darling? How does that mess your mind? Later, I’ll point out where the coordinatesfor the three sightings came from, how to find future coordinates, and where you can read about all the oddthings that happened before the third sighting.The powers that control the major observatories have been quietly observing it for years now. Because X isso close and easily observable the only thing left for the controllers to do now is to make up a story todiscount what it is in fact and use their media power to drown out the reality with their skeptical nonsense.Their power to overshadow the truth is vast. Do expect the cover up to continue to work for a short while.For the better part of last century astronomers had noticed perturbations in the outermost planets. Theseperturbations could only have been caused by another large heavenly body that is part of our solar system.Finding the archeological evidence is simple. The more study you do the more evidence you will find ofquick regular severe surface changes and poles shifts at every turn. I have more than a sufficient quantity ofthese studies for you to browse through right here. Later I’ll show how the Ice Ages fit into the puzzle. The 12 Planet by Zecharia SitchinTurning to ancient history will put the evidence into perspective. Many past civilizations explain Planet X’sorbit length and destruction it causes during it’s passage in eloquent detail! Start with “” by. Even historians of Astronomy are aware of the legends of a so called “Star or Comet ofDoom” or “Nemesis” that brings with it debris, as in meteors, and causes upheavals.For the most part aware political leaders have no clue what to do about the masses, so of course theyaren’t doing much. Their attitude is an honest announcement would cause more problems than not.Perhaps they’re right and maybe not. I’m not quite sure. I admit to waffling on this issue. I guess writing thisbook for others to read is where I stand.
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